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Open custom Popups from HTML links within page descriptions

1. Create your Popup module in Journal > Modules > Popup and copy the custom URL code generated by the module:

2. In a product description or information page text editor, click on the link icon to add your link text and Popup URL (do not check "Open in new tab"). The link will appear where your cursor was placed in the editor:


3. You can then add a class on your button in the Code View. You'll have to find that link element and add the class immediately after the opening tag.

Don't forget to click again on the Code View button to come back to the visual text editor.

4. Once you're out of the Code View and back in the visual text editor click Save to complete the process:

5. The button will appear in your storefront already styled with the DEFAULT button styles from Journal > Styles > Button > DEFAULT.  It will open the custom popup you added in the URL.

You can add other styles on your custom button in code view, by adding different classes. Look in Journal > Skins > Edit > Global > Global Styles > Buttons > Bootstrap...all available classes are listed there, and each can have its own button style.