Fixed buttons on product page (Add to Cart, Wishlist, etc.)
The sticky buttons on the product page can be controlled from the Journal > Styles > Product Page > [Active Style] > Buttons > Display.
By default, the buttons sit in their normal position below the product options, on desktop, or any other resolution.
Optionally, you can add a breakpoint like 1024 and change it to Fixed. This will make the buttons fixed at the bottom of the page on screens below 1024 (or whatever you indicate in the screen width option of your breakpoint rule).
This is the result on screens smaller than the ones indicated in the breakpoint:
Then in the same section, in the Container Styles tab, you can add background and other options to the buttons container, again, on the same breakpoint if needed.
Learn more about our breakpoint options here:
To remove the fixed buttons display and always have them in the default position, simply remove the breakpoint rule and click Save.